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Support Children’s Dreams Together!

•Feb. 5th 2015, Suicide by drowning at Manhattan Beach Pier, CA

A young man drowns by throwing himself into the beautiful sea. This is an actual event of a young life lost by juvenile depression.
This incident was widely received by the local media.
Children being so young have no expectations for the future and those who are pessimistic end their lives by committing suicide.
Unfortunately, this case have been increasing and deeply disturbing.

Juvenile depression is serious social problem.
Even with WHO’s announcement, many children have ended their lives.
Traffic accident, air pollution, and suicides are ranked third amongst young mortality.

Though many are dyeing with disease and fighting for their lives, Why is it that there are more children taking their own lives?

Although parents love and raise their children, a child suddenly kills himself from the idea that there is nothing to live for.
A bereaved parent’s sorrow is immeasurable.

It is heartbreaking to all of us. Children who are trying to live for the future, but are pessimistic in the future end their lives by committing suicide.

We are the individuals who had rescued a young life from committing a suicide. So our sincere deepest thoughts are that we save as many children from juvenile depression.

•Retrospective of the person concerned

Even though I had endangered my life, I wanted a young child to live and I certainly did not want the child to die. That was when I had jumped into the ocean.
I swam frantically grabbing the child who was swept by waves.
While rescuing the child, I thought to myself…..Why? Why would a young child so much younger than me want to end their lives.

Listening to the reminiscences of the accident, and we thought.

We want the children to believe in themselves, expect a brighter future, and to live believing that they have a lot to live for.

•American dream for children

To stream children’s video announcing what their dreams are and the adult that they strive in becoming.
To capture interest from other children when being announced.
Other children may share the same thoughts and feelings. We would want the children to know that many others have the same dream and expectation.

We want each child to grow into their adulthood while always challenging themselves, and to live a wonderful life.